Farmoor 23rd March 9:35a.m

Farmoor 23rd March 9:35a.m

Little Gull (ad)
Rock Pipit
(per Dave Lowe)

No sign of the Scoter.

- Farmoor 12th October
Red-necked Grebe along western edge of F2 12:00 Rock Pipit 2 along causeway (per Dave Lowe & Stephen Akers)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 12th October
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Little Gull 2 Rock Pipit Joe Harris...

- Farmoor 27th June
5 Common Scoter at Farmoor at 14:45 on F2 best viewed from the 'Bus Stop' at the southern end of F2. +2 Silver-washed Fratillary (per Dai) 3 m and 2 f Still present on F2 at 8pm (per Dave Lowe) ...

- Port Meadow 19th Feb
9 Little Gull (all adults) reported on Port Meadow early afternoon (per R.B.A) No sign 15:30 but 2 Curlew Late Afternoon: Reb-breasted Merg (redhead) c22 Goosander Med Gull (nr ad) 3+ Yellow-legged Gull 10 Dunlin 1 Ruff (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor 7th Oct
3 Rock Pipit + Aythya hybrid Dave Lowe....

