Farmoor Res 28th Dec

Farmoor Res 28th Dec

Farmoor Res has re-opened but much of it remains frozen over.

Little Egret
c20 Goldeneye
c20 Shoveler
40+Tufted Duck
Aythya hybrid

- Farmoor (dec 31st) 8-10:45
Great Northern Diver - 1 juv appeared in good health and no sign of red twine. Water Rail - 1 Goldeneye - 12 Wigeon - pair Aythya Hybrid - male on F1 still. Bullfinch Aythya Hybrid (c) The Paranoid Birder...

- Farmoor Res 18th December
Great Northern Diver 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Common Redshank 3 Aythya hybrid 1 (Common Pochard x Tufted Duck)...

- Farmoor (oct 29th 8-10am)
no sign of last nights snow bunting Rock Pipit - 1 Aythya hybrid - 1 (m) Goldeneye - 2 Redpoll - 2 Common Sand - 1 Redshank - 1 with Tom and Dai....

- Lower Windrush Valley Lakes Sunday 12th December (am)
Felt very spring-like this morning. Warmish, sun was shining and Great Tits singing away. Pit 3 (Frozen apart from a pocket near the mobile homes) c.65 Red-crested Pochard 6 Wigeon 18 Gadwall c.16 Tufted Duck 55 Mute Swan c. 238 Coot Pit 4 (Frozen apart...

- Around Abingdon 27th November
Radley Lakes All lakes mostly frozen, apart from most of Thrupp Lake. c.4 Common Gull c.390 Coot c.100 Gadwall c.50 Mute Swan c.16 Pochard c.10 Shoveler c.54 Teal c.13 Tufted duck c.75 Wigeon Wilsham Road Gravel Pits Part of marina frozen, rest all un-iced....

