Farmoor 4th Sept
Shag FII (a.m at least)
Yellow-legged Gull,
Great Black-backed Gull,
Ruff juv,
2 Ringed Plover,
c4 Yellow Wagtail,

Yellow-legged gull (c) Bob Burgess

Ruff (c) Bob Burgess
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 1st August
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1 dead adult - ringed. One metal ring on left leg with the following information; Vogeltrek Station, Arnhem-Holland, 5.414.673. 4 Yellow-legged Gull: At lease 4 - 2 adults, 1 2CY and at least 1 juv....
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 13th September
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway 6 Dunlin 4 Ringed Plover Yellow-legged Gull Yellow Wagtail Peter Law...
Dix Pit March 7
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Yellow legged Gull 6 Intriguingly one of these, a third winter showed a streaked hood and other features very reminiscent of L.m atlantis Herring Gull,Lesser and Greater Black backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull...
Port Meadow 29th October
1 lesser yellowlegs 1 ruff 4 dunlin c. 400 golden plover 1 yellow-legged gull 2 greater black-backed gull 2 common gull 2 snipe 1 egyptian goose (leucistic bird) (c) Nigel Forrow ...
Farmoor Sept 5th
Redstart - male and female Spotted Flycatcher - 1 Lesser Whitethroat Yellow Wagtail - 6 Greenshank -1 (heard over) Dunlin - 2 GBB Gull - 2 Yellow Legged Gull - 2...