Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 13th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 13th September

Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway
6 Dunlin
4 Ringed Plover
Yellow-legged Gull
Yellow Wagtail

Peter Law

- Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 13th September
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Yellow-legged Gull: ad. On buoy between carpark and causeway. 18:00. Ollie Padget...

- Farmoor Reservoir 1st September
Ringed Plover: juv (causeway) Common Sandpiper (causeway) 6 Yellow Wagtail (F1) 3 Yellow-legged Gull (F2) (Gareth Blockley) Greenshank over Lots of warblers at Farmoor this morning inc Lesser Whitethroat 4 Garden Warbler (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 15th April
Yellow Wagtail Farmoor (c) Jon Mercer Farmoor Reservoir Pied Flycatcher: NEGATIVE. No sign of it around 12:00 to 13:00. Redstart: m. In hedge near the zig-zag path. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Swift 4 Little Gull: adults. sum plum. Farmoor...

- Farmoor 2nd May: Crane
2nd May Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Crane: Seen from the Causeway flying North East over F1. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Turnstone 4 Common Sandpiper Dunlin Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II 14 Black Tern Dave Godfrey...

- Goingbirding: 27th March
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Yellow Wagtail: One briefly on the causeway this evening with pied wagtails. Ross Crates Farmoor little gull (c) David Fearn...

