Farmoor 3rd July

Farmoor 3rd July

Common Scoter south side of F2 08:06 (per Dai)
Still present at 5p.m
The Insomniac Birder
Both photos (c) Dai

- Farmoor Reservoir 13th December
Distant Common Scoter please view at 720p HD 2 Common Scoter (fem) still present along the northern end of F1 at dusk Red-necked Grebe along western side of F1 this afternoon 2 Great Northern Diver still in the N/E corner of F2 at dusk and showing well...

- Farmoor 15th July
Common Scoter (f) still present this morning on F2 (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 6th July
Common Tern Farmoor 6th July (c) M.Chivers More superb photos from Mark at The Early Birder...

- 22nd October Farmoor
GREY PHALAROPE flying around Farmoor 1 presently (09:45 am) being pursued by a gull. per Dai John Still present 11:05 in South-East corner of F1. per Badger No further sign of the Phal by 13:30 Goosander 3 over heading west Dunlin Ringed Plover...

- Farmoor, 3rd July
Common Scoter is not an un-common bird at Farmoor but you don't often see their legs and feet. This bird has virtually no tail feathers, which might explain its predicament....more photos.......

