Farmoor 17th January

Farmoor 17th January

Slavonian Grebe 1 F1 on east side
Scaup 4 F1
Barnacle Goose 8
Egyptian Goose 1
Shelduck 2
Common Sandpiper

(per Dai) The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 2nd February
Caspian Gull (2ndw) in the roost this evening (found by Nic Hallam) Scaup 5 Slavonian Grebe 1 Barnacle Geese 9 Brambling 2 Rock Pipit (per Bob Hurst) Reed Bunting 70+ Chaffinch 50+ Yellowhammer 20+ (per Matt Prior) Barnacle Goose Farmoor...

- Farmoor 13th January
Slavonian Grebe 1 F1 Scaup 4 F1 (per Dai & Richard Catling) Redshank 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Redpoll 3 Siskin 1 Barn Owl 1  The Insomniac Birder...

- Port Meadow: 10th January
Port Meadow 48 Barnacle Goose 2 White-fronted Goose 4 Bar-headed Goose 2 Shelduck 100 Golden Plover Dunlin 13 Pintail Adam Hartley...

- Farmoor Mid Afternoon 11th December
Freezing fog and much reduced visibility. In the gloom made out the following: Falcated Duck 1 Mallard 324 Gadwall 6 Northern Shoveler 2 Common Pochard 16 Tufted Duck 150+ Common Goldeneye 12 Eurasian Wigeon 11 Common Teal 7 Slavonian Grebe 1 Little Grebe...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 17th January
17th January Farmoor Reservoir Great Northern Diver: still on F2. Bar-headed Goose: no sign of WF Goose across Thames from Shrike Meadow. Common Sandpiper: at W end of causeway. Peter Law...

