Farmoor 13th January

Farmoor 13th January

Slavonian Grebe 1 F1
Scaup 4 F1 (per Dai & Richard Catling)
Redshank 2
Common Sandpiper 1
Redpoll 3
Siskin 1
Barn Owl 1

 The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 17th January
Slavonian Grebe 1 F1 on east side Scaup 4 F1 Barnacle Goose 8 Egyptian Goose 1 Shelduck 2 Common Sandpiper (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 30th December
Scaup 5 F1 Slavonian Grebe 2 F1 Pintail 12 F2 Pochard 50+ Goldeneye 15 Little Grebe 14  Scaup and Tufted DuckAll the news from the Res including a slideshow of some of the years highlights at The...

- Farmoor 26th December
Slavonian Grebe 2 Scaup 5 Pochard 35 The Insomniac Birder  Scaup and Tufted Duck  ...

- Farmoor Reservoir
No sign of the Falcated Duck by 11:20 this morning. Also the Mallard numbers have dropped by c250 birds. (per Dai & Terry Sherlock)   Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Dunlin 3 Scaup: ad female; juv female; juv male. 2 Slavonian Grebe Farmoor...

- Farmoor 31st October
Scaup still on F1Slavonian Grebe 2 on F2 16:00 hrs.Common Sandpiper 1  The Insomniac Birder...

