Farmoor 14th August

Farmoor 14th August

No further sign of possible Slavonian Grebe by 13:20
possible Slavonian Grebe F2 10:55 (per Stephen Collier)
Dunlin along causeway

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- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 5th January
No sign of the Slavonian Grebe on Pit 10 by 09:30 (per Dave Doherty). Goosander (m)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 26th December
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Probable Slavonian Grebe: poor view (into sun, distance) so not sure if Slavonian or Black-necked - others please check!. Anthony Cheke...

- Farmoor 2nd January Pm
No sign of the Slavonian Grebe, but the GND still present on FII. (c) Stephen Burch ...

- Farmoor 10th April
Slavonian Grebe: ad. southern end of F2. 2 Little Gull: ad. on barley bales on F1. Dunlin: ad. on the causeway 3 White Wagtail: on the causeway. Yellow Wagtail David Lowe No sign of the Pink-footed Geese. photo Badger...

- Farmoor 6th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Slavonian Grebe: by moored fishing boats this morning. Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway 10 White Wagtail: minimum - on causway this morning. Tom Coyne No further sign of the Sandwich Terns (2) by 10a.m but 1w/s Little Gull on...

