Farmoor 10th April

Farmoor 10th April

Slavonian Grebe: ad. southern end of F2. 2 Little Gull: ad. on
barley bales on F1.

Dunlin: ad. on the causeway

3 White Wagtail: on the causeway. Yellow Wagtail

David Lowe

No sign of the Pink-footed Geese.

photo Badger

- Farmoor: 30th April
Little Gull, 1st summer - Farmoor 2 (ad. also reported, Graham Soden) 2-4 Arctic Tern - Farmoor 2 40+ Swifts (60+ reported earlier, Graham Soden) White Wagtail - Water Treatment Works Ringed Plover - Causeway (Graham Soden) 5 Dunlin - 2 Causeway &...

- Farmoor Reservoir 1st September
Ringed Plover: juv (causeway) Common Sandpiper (causeway) 6 Yellow Wagtail (F1) 3 Yellow-legged Gull (F2) (Gareth Blockley) Greenshank over Lots of warblers at Farmoor this morning inc Lesser Whitethroat 4 Garden Warbler (per Dave Lowe)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 4th September
4 Black Tern: seen hunting over southern end of F2. Black-necked Grebe close in to causeway on F1. 1 Dunlin, 5 Common Sandpipers, 1 Blackcap, 2 Chiff Chaff, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, ~30 Yellow Wagtail, large mixed hirundine flock and a huge swarm of Greylag...

- Farmoor 6th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Slavonian Grebe: by moored fishing boats this morning. Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway 10 White Wagtail: minimum - on causway this morning. Tom Coyne No further sign of the Sandwich Terns (2) by 10a.m but 1w/s Little Gull on...

- Goingbirding: 27th March
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway Yellow Wagtail: One briefly on the causeway this evening with pied wagtails. Ross Crates Farmoor little gull (c) David Fearn...

