Farmoor 14th April

Farmoor 14th April

Little Gull (3ad)
4 Common Tern
2 Shelduck
13 White Wagtail
4 Yellow Wagtail
2 Swift

(per The Wickster Clackers and S.N.T)

The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 17th April
Common Tern Arctic Tern 4+Common Tern 6+Little Gull 4+ (early evening)Oystercatcher 1Common Sandpiper 1White Wagtail 6+Yellow Wagtail 9 Black-tailed Godwit c24 (Badger, The Wickster, Andy Last)Golden Plover 40+Med Gull 1st s (per Nic)Swift  Med...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- Farmoor 28th April
Still 5 black-neck grebes this afternoon, showing really well on F2 near the car park.  WhinchatChannel Wagtail at Farmoor per Simon Bradfield Also a possible "Eastern form" yellow wagtail this morning per Tom Wickens Also (per Ewan Urquhart)...

- Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00 Redstart 2 (both male) Hobby this evening. (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Farmoor Reservoir Peregrine (per Steve Goddard) Little Gull 11 this evening (per Matt Prior) ...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 15th April
Yellow Wagtail Farmoor (c) Jon Mercer Farmoor Reservoir Pied Flycatcher: NEGATIVE. No sign of it around 12:00 to 13:00. Redstart: m. In hedge near the zig-zag path. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Swift 4 Little Gull: adults. sum plum. Farmoor...

