Farmoor 17th April

Farmoor 17th April

Common Tern

Arctic Tern 4+
Common Tern 6+
Little Gull 4+ (early evening)
Oystercatcher 1
Common Sandpiper 1
White Wagtail 6+
Yellow Wagtail 9

Black-tailed Godwit c24 (Badger, The Wickster, Andy Last)
Golden Plover 40+
Med Gull 1st s (per Nic)
Med Gull (c) Nic Hallam
All other photos (c) Ewan

- Farmoor 2nd September
Osprey pictures courtesey of John Reynolds Osprey (had apparently been there overnight) circled over F2 and then headed SW. Curlew Sandpiper 2 juv still present at dusk Black Tern 2 Wigeon 12 Common Sandpiper 2 Green Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit...

- Farmoor 10th April
Water Pipit. along causeway still at 17:34 (per Ewan) Rock Pipit Yellow Wagtail 2 House Martin 2+ Swallow 5+ Grey Plover (over) Black-tailed Godwit 5 (over) Ringed Plover Dunlin Sanderling Common Sandpiper Oystercatcher 2                                 ...

- Farmoor 19th August
1 Sandwich Tern a.m 3 Common Tern 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Ringed Plover 2 Redstart 1 Sandwich Tern p.m Terry Sherlock Dave Daniels and Dai. 2 Arctic Tern 1 Med Gull (1st S) (per Ewan)...

- Farmoor 28th April
Still 5 black-neck grebes this afternoon, showing really well on F2 near the car park.  WhinchatChannel Wagtail at Farmoor per Simon Bradfield Also a possible "Eastern form" yellow wagtail this morning per Tom Wickens Also (per Ewan Urquhart)...

- Farmoor 24th April
Good Arctic Tern conditions this morning, i.e; cold northerly wind with c 13+ birds on F.1. Still a few this evening plus a first summer Little Gull. Nic Hallam Pinkhill and Farmoor this evening, Barn Owl, Reed Warbler. 5 Common Tern, Little Gull, 3...

