Dix Pit March 15

Dix Pit March 15

White Wagtail 1 [in with flock of 35 Pied Wagtail]
Meadow Pipit flock of 30
Some of the nesting Cormorants on the island have young now two thirds grown

- Farmoor Res 3rd October
0830 -1130hrs Red necked Grebe 1 initially by sailing club on F2 but then flushed by yachts and possibly flew to F1 Little Grebe 24 Yellow legged Gull 10 Greater Black backed Gull 1 Common Tern 1 juvenile Dunlin 1 Yellow Wagtail 1 Grey Wagtail...

- Churn 19th September 2015
Northern Wheatear 8 European Stonechat 3 (2m 1f) Whinchat 1 Linnet/Goldfinch flock 100+ (mainly Linnets) Yellowhammer flock 16 Meadow Pipit flock 80+ Common Whitethroat 2 Blackcap 1 Common Chiffchaff 7+ Barn Owl 1 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2 Common Kestrel...

- Lollingdon Hill
6 Wheatear 50+ Pied Wagtail 40+ Meadow Pipit...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
I've been away for a week so nice to see some signs of spring 'up north' 1 Little Ringed Plover (flew off north at c.11:30) is number 70 for the year list 1 White Wagtail with c.20 Pied Wags and 5 + Meadow Pipits 1 Reed Bunting singing 4 Tufted...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 16th September
White Wagtail (juv) Caught by Matt Prior and shown during the ring demo. 2 Sanderling (juv) 3 Dunlin Sand Martin: One seen early morning. 300 House Martin: Varying numbers all morning but at some points well over 300. 25 Meadow Pipit: Steady flow of birds...

