Lollingdon Hill

Lollingdon Hill

6 Wheatear
50+ Pied Wagtail
40+ Meadow Pipit

- Cholsey: 13th Oct
The Lees: 20+ Redpoll 5 Redwing 2 Peregrine Falcon Cholsey Downs: 2 Ring Ouzel Per TW. Lollingdon: 200+ Meadow Pipit 70+ Pied Wagtail 23 Yellowhammer 18 Corn Bunting 5 Siskin 3 Redpoll 2 Redwing 2 Tree Sparrow...

- Cholsey: 17th Oct
  Stonechat - 1 along the Bunk line Wheatear - 2 Lollingdon hill Stonechat - 1 Lollingdon hill Swallow - 2 flew downriver...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 4th April
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 2 Wheatear 100 Meadow Pipit: c100. Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Cetti's Warbler Paul Chandler Cholsey Wildlife...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 15th October
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 2 Wheatear 33 Corn Bunting 16 Yellowhammer 15 Linnet 40 Skylark: 40+ in area. 11 Grey Partridge: in the fields below the southern slope. 5 Meadow Pipit Cholsey 4 Redwing: Over Marymead. Paul Chandler...

- Cholsey, 6th Oct
2 Wheatear, Lollingdon Hill 2 Corn Bunting 9 Grey Partridge 100+ Skylark, incl a flock of 70+ 3 Meadow Pipit 3 Chiffchaff More @

