Cowleaze Wood 30 June

Cowleaze Wood 30 June

Common Crossbill  4+
Siskin 2

- Shirburn Hill: 23rd January
Shirburn Hill 4 Raven: 2 pairs displaying and calling loudly. Cowleaze Wood 5 Brambling: on the eastern edge of the wood. possibly more in a large flock of chaffinches. Jackie Newcombe...

- Otmoor Thursday 29th
No sign of Great Grey Shrike by 10 am 1 Crossbill over and into Noke Wood 2 Stonechats Siskin 100 Golden Plover 6 Redpoll...

- Cowlease Wood: 5th January
Cowlease Wood 5 Brambling: At least 5, with Chaffinches near the house in south-east corner of wood. Please note site is Cowleaze Wood, not Cowlease Wood. Roger Morton...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 22nd September
17 Siskin: 9 over south, c.8 in the wood. 20 + Meadow Pipit (seemed to be a constant call of meadow pipits                                  going...

- Bagley Wood: 4th February
Bagley Wood Common Crossbill: Heard in flight on 2 occasions. 5 Lesser Redpoll: 5 seen well but probably many others. 30 Siskin: At least 30 in small flocks. Nick Suckling...

