Cowlease Wood: 5th January

Cowlease Wood: 5th January

Cowlease Wood
5 Brambling: At least 5, with Chaffinches near the house in south-east corner of wood. Please note site is Cowleaze Wood, not Cowlease Wood.

Roger Morton

- Shirburn Hill: 23rd January
Shirburn Hill 4 Raven: 2 pairs displaying and calling loudly. Cowleaze Wood 5 Brambling: on the eastern edge of the wood. possibly more in a large flock of chaffinches. Jackie Newcombe...

- Farmoor Reservoir 20th January
Farmoor II 7 Goldeneye: 2 male, 5 fem. 4 Little Grebe Chiffchaff 1 near Shrike Meadow Peregrine: Flew S carrying prey, spooked hundreds of gulls. (Anthony Cheke) Pintail 19 Shelduck 3 Wigeon & Teal flock c800 (per Dai) More from the Res at The Insomniac...

- Cowlease Wood: 26th December
Cowlease Wood 2 Brambling: seen in fog in large mixed feeding flock, but there were probably more as reported on 22nd. Peter Law...

- Cowlease Wood: 29th July
Cowlease Wood Spotted Flycatcher Steve Roby...

- Cowlease Wood: 21st April
Cowlease Wood 8 Common Crossbill John Hillsdon...

