Citrine Wagtail Farmoor 10th September
Citrine Wagtail (juv/first winter) Found by Dave Lowe
White-winged Black Tern F1
Black-necked Grebe 3 F2
Little Stint (along causeway)
Wheatear F1

Photos (c) Stephen Burch
For higher res versions of the above pics, click here and here.
Farmoor Res 14th Sept 08:15-10am
White-winged Black Tern (juv) Little Stint Common Sandpiper Egyptian Goose Yellow Wagtail 15 Small movement of Meadow Pipits. (per Dave Lowe) photo (c) R.Wyatt...
Farmoor 12th Sept
White-winged black Tern Black necked Grebe Little Stint 2 Ruff flew south (per Dave Lowe) Photo (c) Adam Hartley. (Click to Enlarge)...
Farmoor 9th Sept
Black necked grebe Black necked grebes Pied wagtail Dunlin Black necked grebe. 1 White Winged Black Tern FI 3 Black necked grebe FII 10 Dunlin 1 Ringed plover Photo's (c) W P Bull...
Farmoor Reservoir 9th September
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black-necked Grebe off of the causeway on F2 (per Dave Lowe)...
Farmoor 16th April
White Wagtail 20+. Yellow Wagtail 2 Wheatear 1 Common Tern 2 Whitethroat Photo (c) Stephen Burch. Click here for high res pic....