Farmoor 9th Sept

Black necked grebe

Black necked grebes

Pied wagtail


Black necked grebe.
1 White Winged Black Tern FI
3 Black necked grebe FII
10 Dunlin
1 Ringed plover
Photo's (c) W P Bull
Farmoor Reservoir 25th November
Grey Phalarope F1 in S/E corner 14:30 Black-necked Grebe 2 still in middle of F2 (15:15) Red-necked Grebe in S/W corner of F1 (15:15) Yellow-legged Gull 4+ in the roost this afternoon. (per Gareth Blockley) Grey Phal photo courtesy of Jon Mercer....
Farmoor 12th Sept
White-winged black Tern Black necked Grebe Little Stint 2 Ruff flew south (per Dave Lowe) Photo (c) Adam Hartley. (Click to Enlarge)...
Farmoor 11th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black necked Grebe 2+ Little Stint ( along causeway) Dunlin 3 Hobby Yellow Wagtail 20+ No sign of the Citrine Wagtail...
Farmoor Reservoir 9th September
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black-necked Grebe off of the causeway on F2 (per Dave Lowe)...
Farmoor 7th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 this evening. 1 Curlew Sandpiper (this evening on F2 side of causeway) 1 Wood Sandpiper (prob this morning only) Whimbrel several through the day (per Roger Wyatt) 1 Ruff + several others through (per Roger Wyatt)...