Farmoor Res 14th Sept 08:15-10am

White-winged Black Tern (juv)
Little Stint
Common Sandpiper
Egyptian Goose
Yellow Wagtail 15
Small movement of Meadow Pipits.
(per Dave Lowe)
photo (c) R.Wyatt
Farmoor 13th September
Black Tern Ringed Plover 3 Dunlin juv Common Sandpiper Yellow Wagtail 5+ no sign of the flava Sedge Warbler (Dave Lowe & Badger)...
Farmoor 11th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black necked Grebe 2+ Little Stint ( along causeway) Dunlin 3 Hobby Yellow Wagtail 20+ No sign of the Citrine Wagtail...
Citrine Wagtail Farmoor 10th September
Citrine Wagtail (juv/first winter) Found by Dave Lowe White-winged Black Tern F1 Black-necked Grebe 3 F2 Little Stint (along causeway) Wheatear F1 Photos (c) Stephen Burch For higher res versions of the above pics, click here and here....
Farmoor Reservoir 9th September
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 Black-necked Grebe off of the causeway on F2 (per Dave Lowe)...
Farmoor 5th Oct 5p.m
Black Tern Rock Pipit Common Sand No sign of Stint along causeway (per Dave Lowe)...