Charney Bassett 25th February

Charney Bassett 25th February

Short-eared Owl (Goosey Wick Farm)

(per AEd OOS)

- Frilford: Millet's Farm: 3rd February
3rd February Frilford: Millet's Farm 80 Linnet: Minimum with c40 Goldfinch on stubble & weedy fields on outskirts. 9 Teal: Flew up from River Ock in Phoebe Wood. 2 Chiffchaff: By River Ock in Phoebe Wood. 4 Lesser Redpoll: In Alders on outskirts...

- Otmoor: 20th February
20th February Otmoor Barn Owl: Moorleys (car park field). Short-eared Owl: Moorleys. Peter Law...

- Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway Above Letcombe Bassett: 1st April
Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway above Letcombe Bassett Short-eared Owl: Excellent views, quartering fields to South of Ridgeway. Mark Merritt...

- Otmoor 18th December
White-fronted Goose still on Ashgrave Hen Harrier (ringtail) Short-eared Owl 3+ more at  Otmoor Birding Chimney Meadows Short-eared Owl (per Antony Edwards)...

- Otmoor Nov 1st
Short-eared Owl 2 Peregrine Water rail (per Terry Tossel) Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey. Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the strong...

