Frilford: Millet's Farm: 3rd February

Frilford: Millet's Farm: 3rd February

3rd February

Frilford: Millet's Farm
80 Linnet: Minimum with c40 Goldfinch on stubble & weedy fields on outskirts.
9 Teal: Flew up from River Ock in Phoebe Wood.
2 Chiffchaff: By River Ock in Phoebe Wood.
4 Lesser Redpoll: In Alders on outskirts with Goldfinch.

Fyfield Wick
2 Yellowhammer
27 Skylark: Put up by Male Sparrowhawk.
Bullfinch: male.
8 Grey Partridge
Barn Owl 16:40.
2 Peregrine: Male & Female together put up 200 Woodpigeon. 16:40.

Jed Cleeter

- Fyfield Wick: 11th February
Fyfield Wick 2 Barn Owl: Both showed at 17:50. 100 Golden Plover 8 Grey Heron: All on River Ock floods. 4 Grey Partridge 3 Raven Jed Cleeter...

- Fyfield: A420: 26th June
Fyfield: A420 Probable Red-footed Falcon: male. Spectacular aerobatics hawking insects at extremely high level between Tubney Wood & Fyfield. Showing light grey colouring when sun on it and wings not sharp ended like Hobby. All characteristics pointed...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 2nd September
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Redstart: 1 female (also seen by Clive Payne) at northern end of cattle field seen on fence and along ditch but disapears into wood when disturbed. 1 male (seen by CP) in scrub between the res and the wood. Lapwing: Flew over west....

- Quail 14th June
1ml NNE.of Burford, south of Milton Downs Farm Quail (male) calling from cereal fields around small wood along minor road between Downs Lodge and Milton Downs Farm. SP264152. Dave Morgan...

- Stonesfield Common 6th April
Redstart male still early am Sand Martin 2,low west Willow Warbler Chiffchaff 3 Blackcap 2 male Bullfinch 2 Reed Bunting male Lesser Redpoll 3 Long Hanborough Raven Wilcote...

