Blenheim 6th Feb

Blenheim 6th Feb

Mandarin (6 male and 4 female) on the pools near the Coombe Gate at Blenheim,

also 4+ Marsh Tits in the same area and 2 Ravens flew over.

(per Oz)

- Blenheim Park 3rd April
Hawfinch 5 in tops of large ornamental trees (per RBA) Eds:Presumably referring to the trees within the gardens and best viewed from the area near the model railway shed. There is no charge to enter the estate via the Bladon gate behind the Whitehouse...

- Blenheim Park 11th Jan
2 mandarin ducks (m and f) near the Coombe Gate entrance. 1 raven (per Terry Tossell)...

- Blenheim Park 2nd January
Shelduck 2 Mandarin 6 on pool near the Coombe Gate entrance. (per Phil Barnett)...

- Blenheim Park 16th December
Mandarin 11 (8 m) near the Coombe Gate entrance (Mark Merritt)...

- Blenheim Park 2nd December
13+ Mandarin (4f) Coombe Gate Blenheim 2 Raven Woodcock No sign of any Hawfinch 08:30-10:30 ...

