Blenheim Park 2nd December

Blenheim Park 2nd December

13+ Mandarin (4f) Coombe Gate Blenheim
2 Raven
No sign of any Hawfinch 08:30-10:30

- Blenheim Park 11th Jan
2 mandarin ducks (m and f) near the Coombe Gate entrance. 1 raven (per Terry Tossell)...

- Blenheim Park 2nd January
Shelduck 2 Mandarin 6 on pool near the Coombe Gate entrance. (per Phil Barnett)...

- Blenheim: Combe Gate: 10th April
Blenheim: Combe Gate Hawfinch Jeremy Blakey...

- Blenheim Park 16th December
Mandarin 11 (8 m) near the Coombe Gate entrance (Mark Merritt)...

- Blenheim 6th Feb
Mandarin (6 male and 4 female) on the pools near the Coombe Gate at Blenheim, also 4+ Marsh Tits in the same area and 2 Ravens flew over. (per Oz) ...

