Benson 17th June

Benson 17th June

A female Red-backed Shrike was reported this morning by a Bucks birder driving along the
B4009 between Benson & Watlington su655925. Despite searching there was no sign this
afternoon or this evening.

- Churn 31st July
Red-backed Shrike No sign after 8.10pm, but met a birder who said it had been seen earlier in the evening. Quail: 1 heard. Michael Pocock...

- Cholsey Marsh 23rd Nov
No sign of reported Shrike sp this morning in bad weather, or this afternoon by 16:30. 70+ Corn Bunting in the roost 2 Water Rail (per P.C & T.W). (Andy Last, The Wickster, Gun-slinger, Badger)...

- Benson 7th November
No further sign of the two Swift sp by late afternoon (per Tezzer & The Wickster). No sign Lollingdon Hill this afternoon (per Paul Chandler) Forwarded from Cholsey Wildlife Just now (12:20 pm), from my office window, I've seen two swift spp....

- Balscote Quarry 2nd November
Great grey Shrike reported again this morning but no sign this afternoon Tree Sparrow c20...

- Benson 11th December
4-5 Waxwings feeding at the roadside on Watlington Rd in Benson at 1 pm, but gone half an hour later. (per Richard Broughton) ...

