Balscote Quarry 2nd November

Balscote Quarry 2nd November

Great grey Shrike reported again this morning but no sign this afternoon

Tree Sparrow c20

- Alkerton 17th January
Great Grey Shrike still 5mls WNW of Banbury & 3/4ml NW of Balscote at disused quarry 10:12am. Take A422 from Banbury then take the 1st left after the Balscote Quarry turn signed Alkerton and view quarry from 1st set of double gates on right...

- Alkerton/balscote 5th January
Great Grey Shrike still 5mls WNW of Banbury and 3/4ml NW of Balscote at disused quarry at 10:10am.Take A422 from Banbury then take 1st left after Balscote Quarry turn signed to Alkerton and view quarry from double gates on right. (per RBA) Still present...

- Alkerton/balscote 4th January
Great Grey Shrike still 5mls WNW of Banbury and 3/4ml NW of Balscote at disused quarry at 14:15. Take A422 from Banbury then take 1st left after Balscote Quarry turn signed to Alkerton and view quarry from double gate on right or from public footpath....

- Balscote Quarry 9th November
No sign of the Great grey Shrike between 09:00-12:30. Tree Sparrow c10 Golden Plover c120 Snipe 5   Tree Sparrows Balscote Quarry feeders Please view at 720p or 1080p HD...

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 30th April
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Dotterel: with3 golden plovers.  Corn Bunting: singing. 2 Tree Sparrow Michael Hunt Between 16:30 & 17:00 Whimbrel 1 Little Ringed Plover 1 Lapwing 2 Northern Wheatear 4 Yellow Wagtail 2 Tree Sparrow 7 no sign of the...

