Benson 11th December

Benson 11th December

4-5 Waxwings feeding at the roadside on Watlington Rd in Benson at 1 pm, but
gone half an hour later.

(per Richard Broughton)

- Benson 17th June
A female Red-backed Shrike was reported this morning by a Bucks birder driving along the B4009 between Benson & Watlington su655925. Despite searching there was no sign this afternoon or this evening....

- Crowmarsh 4th December
7 Waxwings at a private site in Crowmarsh at midday, before flying off west. (Richard Broughton) ...

- Crowmarsh Gifford 14th May
At 13:55 this afternoon, I was treated to the incongruous sight of an adult male Hen Harrier floating low above Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, before heading over my office and down to the Thames. (per Richard Broughton Oxonbirds) ...

3 Spotted Flycatchers on Benson lane, Crowmarsh, today. (per RK Broughton Oxonbirds)...

- Friday 14th Berinsfield To Drayton Road
8.00am 3 Mutes 4.15pm 6 Bewicks and 18 Mute (including 1x1st winter) Thursday 13th Benson Lock/Benson GC Grebe 2a and 1x1stW Mallard 9 pairs Brambling 1m with 5 Chaffinch in ash trees opposite keepers house Treecreeper heard in keepers house car park...

