Badger Sparrow Video Fame
Fame for Badger who has got some of his video of the Calshot Spanish sparrow used on BBC South Today. You can watch the programme on BBC iPlayer here though be warned it will only be there until 1830 this evening. The relevant section is about 9 minutes and 20 seconds into the programme.

A Grab of the bird in question. See Jason's write up at the Listless Twitcher
Port Meadow: 28th December
Caspian Gull: 2w. 5 Goosander: 4m 1r/h. No sign of the Ruff today. more at Port Meadow Birding Adam Hartley Some video of the bird - be warned you may wish to turn down the volume as it's rather windy...
Happy Christmas
In today's Clackanory we catch up with the U.K Tilley Reintroduction Programme (T.Ri.P) as they endeavour to increase the global population of the much loved and threatened Tilley Hat. WARNING: You will never ever get the 12 minutes of your life...
Port Meadow 12th March
2 Avocet: Standing on ice and occasionally venturing into water to feed. 3 Redshank Several Dunlin Curlew (h) Also 11th March Oxey Mead 5 Goosander: 3m, 2f. Steve Goddard, Gnome, Badger, Two Eyes & Andy Last Video (c) Badger...
Gnome On Radio Oxford
Port Meadow on BBC Radio Oxford Published by Port Meadow Birding the Friday, June 24, 2011 at 7:47 AM in _2011_Apr_Jun. 0 comments. Permalink. I was interviewed for Radio Oxford on Thursday afternoon. One of the readers of this blog, Martin Feynes (I...
Port Meadow 1st March
1 Glaucous gull (the usual large 1st or 2nd winter bird) 10 dunlin 5 redshank 8 goosander (3 male) c. 450 golden plover Some rather poor video footage of "glauczilla" (name courtesy of Badger)...