Port Meadow 1st March

Port Meadow 1st March

1 Glaucous gull (the usual large 1st or 2nd winter bird)
10 dunlin
5 redshank
8 goosander (3 male)
c. 450 golden plover

Some rather poor video footage of "glauczilla" (name courtesy of Badger)

- Port Meadow: 25th January
Port Meadow Peregrine 4 Dunlin 2 Shelduck 3 Pintail: male. 250 Lapwing: very large count for the Meadow. 10 Golden Plover 4 Common Gull Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow 22nd March P.m
Garganey (male). This morning's bird still there: gorgeous bird in breeding plumage. Active: feeding around north end of flood, showing very well from Burgess Field gate. 5 Ruff: One individual with a strikingly pale head: presumably coming into breeding...

- Port Meadow 4th March
1 Glaucous gull - "Glauczilla" the 2w bird again 1 Caspian gull - 1w again briefly 1 red-breasted merganser - the usual red-head 12 goosander 5 redshank 4 dunlin 5 shelduck By popular request (blame Badger) here's the 1st winter Caspian gull from...

- Goingbirding: 3rd March
Port Meadow Glaucous Gull juv (1st/2nd winter). 'Glauczilla'. Goosander: fem. 5 Redshank Oystercatcher Dunlin James Grundy...

- Port Meadow 15th February
1 glaucous gull (same bird that's been roosting at Farmoor) 3+ yellow-legged gulls 1 red-breasted merganser 8+ goosander 3 redshank Some video of the glaucous gull. Some photos on Port Meadow Birding...

