
Barn Owl North Stoke courtesy of The Gun-slinger

- Monday 23rd: Chilton Downs, South Oxon.
Great Grey Shrike. The wintering Bury Down/Cow Down bird was north of the Ridgeway, just in Oxon at Grims Ditch at lunch time. Great-grey Shrike courtesy of The Gun-Slinger ...

- Otmoor, 16th Am
Flock of 8 Fieldfares on hedgerow along the north end of Barn....

- Farmoor Reservoir 3rd April
Courtesy of The Gun-slinger Red-necked Grebe adult summer. 15:00.Peregrine 15:00.2 Rock Pipit: on causeway. 15:00.8 Goldeneye 15:00.Sparrowhawk: over car park. 15:00.2 Sand Martin: heading north. 15:00. Ian Elkins...

- Otmoor 29th March
(c) Gun Slinger Ferruginous Duck (drake) still this morning from the 2nd screen Bewick's Swan 7 flew through Hen Harrier 2 (male & ringtail) Barn Owl 2 (per Jon Prowse)...

- Catch Up
Thursday 3oth Dec 2.35pm Single Egyptian Goose flying south, before descending clockwise to the Thames between South Stoke and Goring.3pm White-fronted Geese flock in field north of South Stoke village, between B4009 and Railway line. 4pm Benson Lock:...

