Yellow-browed Warblers 5th October

Yellow-browed Warblers 5th October

No sign of Y.b.Warbler at Port Meadow or Abingdon Science Park this morning by 10a.m

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- Farmoor 5th December
No sign of the Velvet Scoter this morning by 08:35. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ...

- Barton Fields, Abingdon: 31st Oct
Great Grey Shrike on Barton Fields, Abingdon this morning (08:15); however, not seen 30 mins later. (Apologies for poor photo- taken on maximum digital zoom)  No further sign by 09:30Park at Abingdon Science Park and take the cycle track c1/4m towards...

- Abingdon 30th October
Waxwing 2 flew over the Sophos building on Abingdon Science Park heading towards the east side of Abingdon at 15:15 also a single bird opposite Nord Gear again on the Science Park briefly at 16:15 but no sign since. (per Trevor Lincs birder)...

- Radley 10th October

- Lark Hill 1st September
No sign of the Wryneck this morning by 08:50 Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

