Barton Fields, Abingdon: 31st Oct

Barton Fields, Abingdon: 31st Oct

Great Grey Shrike on Barton Fields, Abingdon this morning (08:15); however, not seen 30 mins later. (Apologies for poor photo- taken on maximum digital zoom)
No further sign by 09:30
Park at Abingdon Science Park and take the cycle track
c1/4m towards Abingdon and view scrub to left.

- Abingdon 30th October
Waxwing 2 flew over the Sophos building on Abingdon Science Park heading towards the east side of Abingdon at 15:15 also a single bird opposite Nord Gear again on the Science Park briefly at 16:15 but no sign since. (per Trevor Lincs birder)...

- Yellow-browed Warblers 5th October
No sign of Y.b.Warbler at Port Meadow or Abingdon Science Park this morning by 10a.m Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Abingdon 4th October: Another Yellow-browed Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler at Abingdon Science Park Barton Lane here this morning. Still present at 5:30pm this afternoon in trees outside the Sophos building (per Badger) The Yellow-browed was discovered by two visiting Lincolnshire birders here...

- Thrupp Lake Radley Monday Etc
Kingfisher; Mute Swans with just one cygnet showing for the first time and still two pairs of Common Terns on BH Gull island despite idiots in inflatable deliberately disturbing the birds into the air yesterday (Police informed and responded). Downy Emeralds...

- Water Rails But Not Much Else
There were at least 7 water rails on the outflow channel from abingdon sewage works this morning. Probably quite a few more as a very large proportion of the channel you can not see. With so few areas free of ice (the Thames in Abingdon was completer...

