Wolvercote: Oxford Canal: 21st January

Wolvercote: Oxford Canal: 21st January

Wolvercote: Oxford Canal
Raven: SP489106. 09:45.

Steve Goddard

- Oxford: Oxford Canal: 25th April
25th April Oxford: Oxford Canal Grasshopper Warbler: heard in field west of the canal, to the north of the Trap Grounds. 17:00. Port Meadow: Godstow Cuckoo 18:00. James Evry...

- Wolvercote: 1st March
Wolvercote 2 Raven: Flying east over Wolvercote Lakes, calling. SP496101. 12:30. Steve Goddard...

- Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park: 12th May
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Cuckoo: First heard calling from north end of Burgess Field. Sighted (presumably the same individual) still calling in a tree on other side of Oxford canal, approx. SP496095. SP497091. Steve Goddard...

- Wolvercote Nightingale
Steve Goddard has directed me to this recording of a nightingale recorded in Wolvercote on 3rd May. What's more Steve was pretty sure that he heard it late last night to the north of Wolvercote. (c) Rumi Mohideen There has also been an unconfirmed...

- Waxwings 10th March
42 Waxwing Large flock calling in tree by Wolvercote Village Hall (same tree as on 29/1/11). Gone by 08.50. (per Steve Goddard) 5 Waxwings Kidlington High Street briefly near Lloyds TSB in small tree by Oxford Road late morning then flew towards the Audi...

