Oxford: Oxford Canal: 25th April

Oxford: Oxford Canal: 25th April

25th April

Oxford: Oxford Canal
Grasshopper Warbler: heard in field west of the canal, to the north of the Trap Grounds. 17:00.

Port Meadow: Godstow
Cuckoo 18:00.

James Evry

- Port Meadow: 27th April
Port Meadow 3 Egyptian Goose Common Sandpiper Trap Grounds Reed Warbler Burgess Field Hobby Sedge Warbler James Evry, Liam Langley & Adam Hartley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th April
Lesser Whitethroat - male along canal in scrub around canal overflow channel 4 Common Whitethroat - 3 males 3 Sedge Warbler - males 2 Wheatear - pair at new pool along canal (later 3 there Clive Payne) 2 Common Sandpipers - new pool along canal (Clive...

- Oxford: Oxford Canal: 24th January
Oxford: Oxford Canal 10 Lesser Redpoll: Feeding in Alder Trees opposite St. Edwards playing fields. Adam Hartley...

- Waxwings 16th December
12 Waxwing on Meadow Lane Iffley (Melissa Holding) 3+ Waxwing Thame near Southern ring road at 11 a.m (per RBA) 6   Waxwings Oxford by the bike racks by the entrance to the Trap Grounds on the corner of Frenchay Road just past the canal bridge...

- Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park: 12th May
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Cuckoo: First heard calling from north end of Burgess Field. Sighted (presumably the same individual) still calling in a tree on other side of Oxford canal, approx. SP496095. SP497091. Steve Goddard...

