Witney Dipper 7th Jan

Witney Dipper 7th Jan

The Dipper was again present at New Mill today. It arrived around 2.15pm and I watched it for around 20 minutes before it flew towards Witney.

- Dipper 24th Oct
Dipper seen from bridge next to Crawley Industrial estate 14:15 then flew towards Witney. (per Pete Roby)...

- Standlake & Witney, 1 Jan
Only small areas of pit 38 & 60 unfrozen: Goosander 2m 5f Wigeon 142 Goldeneye 1 Teal 47 Shoveler 2m Gadwall 5 Marsh Tit 1 New Mill, Witney Dipper 1, showing well late pm...

- Witney 26th Nov Dipper Still
Dipper Thanks to yesterday's tip off, I managed to see the dipper on my 3rd attempt. A new Oxfordshire species for me! It was showing well at New Mill around 3pm this afternoon....

- Dipper At Crawley Weir
Dipper still present at 12.10 - 12.40pm at small weir and then again at sluice nearer houses at 4.15pm 12.10pm sighting Justin Taylor 4.15pm Jason Coppock and Tom Wickens...

- Dipper Success!
Roger Wyatt has just texted that he's seen the dipper at the weir off the Crawley Road at Witney...

