Dipper at Crawley Weir

Dipper still present at 12.10 - 12.40pm at small weir and then again at sluice nearer houses at 4.15pm
12.10pm sighting Justin Taylor
4.15pm Jason Coppock and Tom Wickens
Witney 8th Sept
Dipper seen this afternoon at the weir along the Windrush in Witney near Crawley Road (per Andy Tolley)...
Witney 3rd Oct
Dipper showing c9.45a.m by the weir per Pete Barker. ...and still showing now 12:36 at the weir as Ian is departing. ...And still showing at the Weir 15.30 per the Gnome. Dipper record shot using point & shoot camera (c) Adam Hartley...
Witney Dipper
Dipper was feeding at the second weir around 4:15 today. As the stepping stones are under water I crossed the lasher and walked through the undergrowth to the second weir. It's not much of a track but you can get through. It was hidden underneath...
Witney Dipper !
If you are not having any luck in catching up with the dipper at the weir it might be worth going down stream about 200 metres to cross over it at the stepping stones and metal cage and walking straight ahead towards the sluice gates.It was seen there...
Dipper Success!
Roger Wyatt has just texted that he's seen the dipper at the weir off the Crawley Road at Witney...