White Horse Hill-Uffington Castle 13th March

White Horse Hill-Uffington Castle 13th March

Wheatear (m) White Horse Hill-Uffington Castle (per C.R.Vickers)
Wheatear at Aston Upthorpe (per RBA)

- White Horse Hill: 4th June
White Horse Hill Ruddy Shelduck: 2 flew North West. 17:20. Jed Cleeter...

- Redwings 14th October
Courtesy of Paul Chandler more at Cholsey Wildlife                                Redwing 120 Middleton Cheney (M.H)               ...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- White Horse Hill: 4th March
White Horse Hill 12 Corn Bunting Childrey: Childrey Field Short-eared Owl Mark Merritt...

- Letcombe Regis 2nd January
Hen Harrier (fem) Very briefly at top of Castle Hill. Leo Bateman...

