White Horse Hill: 4th June

White Horse Hill: 4th June

White Horse Hill
Ruddy Shelduck: 2 flew North West. 17:20.

Jed Cleeter

- White Horse Hill-uffington Castle 13th March
Wheatear (m) White Horse Hill-Uffington Castle (per C.R.Vickers) Wheatear at Aston Upthorpe (per RBA)...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 14th August
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 6 Spotted Flycatcher: 500m north of hill. Spotted Flycatcher: on north side of hill. 3 Willow Warbler: field north of hill. Yellow Wagtail: flew north. Hobby: catching dragonflies north of hill. Paul Chandler...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 8th August
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 5 Spotted Flycatcher: 500m north of the hill. Redstart: 500m north of hill. Willow Warbler: 500m north of hill. Willow Warbler: on the hill. Garden Warbler: in the hedgerow to the west. Cholsey Hobby Paul Chandler...

- White Storks, Cholsey Hill
6 White Storks were on Cholsey Hill, flew off over Brightwell, North Moreton, then Didcot. Currently being tracked over Didcot, 17:00! Seen by the Wickster at 17:15 heading south-west over Drayton towards Swindon. ...

- White Horse Hill: 4th March
White Horse Hill 12 Corn Bunting Childrey: Childrey Field Short-eared Owl Mark Merritt...

