White Horse Hill area, 24 October

White Horse Hill area, 24 October

440 Golden Plover
150 Skylark
40 Yellowhammer
30 Linnet
1 Corn Bunting

(also Water Rail, Pinkhill on 23rd)

- East Hendred Down 05/01/13
A decent gathering of finches and buntings in the scrub on the conservation area, impossible to count fully (distance/movement/light) but at least; 50 Goldfinch 35 Linnet 12 Chaffinch 9 Yellowhammer 5 Corn Bunting 4 Reed Bunting 2 Brambling Also 35 Fieldfare,...

- Wantage 8th October
Lark Hill: Peregrine Wheatear 6 Golden Plover c50 Skylark c100 Linnet c700 Sainsbury's: Siskin over...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 8th October
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill Raven: possibly 2. 22 Corn Bunting 20 Skylark: 20+. 17 Yellowhammer Paul Chandler...

- Churn, January 1st 2011
1 Red Kite 1 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk Grey Partridge (2 Coveys of 14 and 8) Golden Plover (heard only) 3 Common Gull 20+ Skylark 200+ Fieldfare 1 Redpoll 8 Corn bunting 3 Yellowhammer...

- Cholsey 18th Nov
14 Golden Plover 1 Chiffchaff c50 Redwing 20+ Fieldfare 10 Yellowhammer 10+ Skylark 2 Great spots 2 Bullfinch 1 Reed Bunting...

