Waxwings 25th March

Waxwings 25th March


22 Waxwings Franklin Road near Rye St Antony School entrance.

Jeremy Dexter

- Waxwings 18th March
Dave Doherty has found 27 Waxwings in Witney on Mill Street near the junction with Jacobs close this morning. (per Oz Oxonbirds) Franklin road, Oxford 30 Waxwing 7 hanging around on the berry tree just by the entrance of Rye St Antony at around 8am, number...

- Waxwings 22nd February
40 Waxwings Abingdon along Saxton Road this morning. (per The Wickster) 32 Waxwing Headington at South Park. (per Gavin Paterson)22 Waxwings Abingdon along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop'shop this morning.(per B.B)105 Waxwings Abingdon on...

- Waxwings 1st February
17 Waxwings on the school drive at Cumnor Primary at 9.a.m (per Ian Reid Oxonbirds) 12 Waxwings Cumnor, by the Church, feeding on cotoneaster in garden of Church View. (per Paul Chandler) 20+ Waxwings Abingdon, in horse chestnuts at junction between Dunmore...

- Waxwings 16th Jan
25+ Waxwings over oxpens road at 10.00 a.m this morning. 19 Waxwings between 10.10 and 10.30am in Pheasant Walk, Oxford; same spot as previous two days. 85+ Waxwings at 2.45pm briefly (per Lynda & Tony Raymond) 14:00 80+ Waxwings Between Towns Road...

- Bodicote & Banbury 20th Dec
18 waxwings again this morning on Keyser Road for about ten minutes before flying off. Presumably back to Cedar Close in Easington. (edit - they have continued to come and go all day) Update.Colin Wilkinson has seen:3 waxwings this morning in Banbury...

