Waxwings 18th March

Waxwings 18th March

Dave Doherty has found 27 Waxwings in Witney on Mill Street near the junction
with Jacobs close this morning.
(per Oz Oxonbirds)

Franklin road, Oxford
30 Waxwing 7 hanging around on the berry tree just by the entrance of Rye St Antony at around 8am, number went up to 20 by 9am and at 4pm 30 over the school to SW. SP536071.
(per Mari Esashi)

- Waxwings 23rd Feb
20+ Waxwings Abingdon feeding on berries outside 106 Saxton Road 08:00a.m. More could be heard. (per The Wickster) 11 Waxwings west over the University Parks (Office window tick!) at 14:42(per Steve Bell)38 Waxwing Headington Churchill Hospital near car...

- Waxwings 20th Feb
Flock of 30 or more Waxwings in gardens around Crown Street and Bullingdon Road off of Cowley Road at 1:30. 9.15 this morning, about 22 Waxwings at the junction of Marlborough Rd and White House Rd in Grandpont, Oxford. (per Jim Bennett Oxonbirds) 60...

- Waxwings 20th January
There is a flock of 20+ Waxwing at BBOWT's Dry Sandford Pit, Cothill (west of Oxford) this morning. They are feeding on privet berries adjacent to the carpark. They were also seen yesterday.(per Colin Williams)I also had a flock of 20 Waxwings fly...

- Waxwings 23rd December
c. 21 Waxwings still on Colwell Drive, Witney at 11:30 (per Keith Clack) Single Waxwing trilling at top of tall tree by our garden drive this morning in Kingham (per Ewan) One Waxwing in Marlborough Place, Eynsham mid-morning (per Bird Guides) 19 Waxwings...

- Waxwings 21st December
Stonesfield Waxwing photo (c) Martin Gasgoine-pees. Waxwing in Long Hanborough at Swan Hill 8.30a.m (per Paul Wren) A single Waxwing in Oxford city centre 08.45 on Thames Street. Feeding on ?Whitebeam in central reservation between opposing flows of...

