Upper Cherwell Valley: 10th September

Upper Cherwell Valley: 10th September

Upper Cherwell Valley
3 Whinchat: Still by Borrow Pit. 18:15.

John Friendship-Taylor

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 17th September
Upper Cherwell Valley Whinchat: Borrow Pool. 13:30. Mark Ribbons...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 05th September
Willow Tit, in the wood 2 Spotted Flycatchers Meadow Pipit, over Upper Cherwell Valley: 2 Whinchat...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 03rd April
35 Swallow through late afternoon 1+ Sand Martin (per Tim Clark) 2 Shelduck -  Upper Cherwell Valley, the Borrow Pit pool...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 7th September
Upper Cherwell Valley 3 Whinchat: Around 'new pool'. Gareth Blockley...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 5th September
Upper Cherwell Valley 4 Whinchat: 2 next to EA lake. Mike Pollard...

