Grimsbury Reservoir: 05th September

Grimsbury Reservoir: 05th September

Willow Tit, in the wood
2 Spotted Flycatchers
Meadow Pipit, over

Upper Cherwell Valley:

2 Whinchat

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 01st September
Black-tailed Godwit, in evening 8 Swifts Upper Cherwell Valley 3 Whinchat No Tree Pipits today Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th August
3 Yellow-legged Gulls, all adult/near adult Upper Cherwell Valley Whinchat Wheatear (per JFT) Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 06th April
House Martin through north Willow Tit 2 Blackcaps c.200 Meadow Pipits, small flocks of Wood Pigeons and a few Skylark - over north An OTTER!  Grimsbury Birds Barn Owl in the Upper Cherwell Valley ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 21st February
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit Chiffchaff Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Raven Gareth Blockley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 7th August
Grimsbury Reservoir Mediterranean Gull: Juvenile briefly at c.19:30. A different bird to this morning with less advanced moult/new scapulars. 3 Common Sandpiper 3 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley Spotted Flycatcher Snipe Gareth Blockley...

