Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th August

Grimsbury Reservoir: 20th August

3 Yellow-legged Gulls, all adult/near adult

Upper Cherwell Valley


(per JFT)

Grimsbury Birds

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 01st September
Black-tailed Godwit, in evening 8 Swifts Upper Cherwell Valley 3 Whinchat No Tree Pipits today Grimsbury Birds...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 30th August
Spotted Flycatcher Common Gull, juvenile (not Mediterranean) Yellow Legged Gull, adult and juvenile Ringed Plover 5 Swift Siskin Ring-necked Parakeet Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Tree Pipit 3 Whinchat Wheatear (GB and JFT)...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 15th August
Yellow-legged Gull Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Whinchat Wheatear, juv 6+ Yellow Wagtails Common Sandpiper Grimsbury Birds...

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 3rd January
Upper Cherwell Valley Barn Owl: Appeared late afternoon in near darkness. Gareth Blockley More on the birds at and around Grimsbury Reservoir can be found on the superb new blog Grimsbury Birds (Eds)...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th May
Grimsbury Reservoir 2 Common Tern 7 Swift Upper Cherwell Valley 2 Curlew 2 Yellow Wagtail 5 Swift: Possibly some of the same birds that were over the reservoir. Gareth Blockley...

