Tuesday 22nd May Port Meadow

Tuesday 22nd May Port Meadow

Drake Garganey on Port Meadow (per Dave Lowe)

- Port Meadow: 1st May
Port Meadow Garganey: m. Black-tailed Godwit 2 Shelduck Little Egret Adam Hartley Drake Garganey still present this evening ...

- Port Meadow: 3rd May
Port Meadow Garganey: m. Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park Lesser Whitethroat: m. 3 Garden Warbler: m. Adam Hartley...

- Port Meadow 23rd April
Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Whinchat Port Meadow Common Sandpiper: Along the Castle Mill Stream. Adam Hartley Port Meadow 2 Dunlin: The only waders on the meadow this morning. About 50 ducks, mainly mallards and teal, and about 30 gulls....

- Port Meadow: 16th April
Port Meadow Floods Bar-tailed Godwit 22 Black-tailed Godwit Garganey (drake) 5 Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover 4 Shelduck 2 Oystercatchers Alex Martin, Dave Doherty, Adam Hartley, Dave Lowe (c) Gnome Burgess Field 4 Redstarts by late...

White-fronted Goose of unknown origin associating with the feral Greylags on Port Meadow this afternoon. (per Dave Lowe)...

