Port Meadow: 16th April

Port Meadow: 16th April

Port Meadow Floods
Bar-tailed Godwit
22 Black-tailed Godwit
Garganey (drake)
5 Dunlin
2 Little Ringed Plover
4 Shelduck
2 Oystercatchers

Alex Martin, Dave Doherty, Adam Hartley, Dave Lowe

(c) Gnome

Burgess Field
4 Redstarts by late afternoon  (Dave Doherty, Ewan Urquhart)
1 Lesser Whitethroat (Adam Hartley)
5 Whitethroat (Liam Langley, Ewan Urquhart)
30+ Willow Warblers/Chiffchaffs  (Ewan Urquhart)

6 Wheatear Godstow (per C W Lane via OOS)

Brambling: fem. loosely associated with a small Chaffinch flock, feeding on sunflower hearts. SP490099. (Steve Goddard)

- Port Meadow: 9th April
Port Meadow 2 Garganey: m & f (f at midday only per Mary MacDougall) 3 Redshank 5 Shelduck Little Egret 1 Swallow 2 Sand Martins 2 Little Ringed Plover  (Erik Sandvig & Steve Lavington) 1 Wheatear Adam Hartley Burgess Field Male Redstart ...

- Port Meadow: 17th April
Burgess Field Tree Pipit: male. Singing briefly in a tree in Burgess Field 3 Whitethroat Tree Pipit still present this afternoon (per Ewan) Port Meadow Floods 3 Ringed Plover 4 Oystercatcher2 Shelduck several House Martins & Swallows 1 Sand Martin...

- Port Meadow 19th April
Port Meadow Black tailed Godwit 22 Bar tailed Godwit 1 Little Ringed Plover 1+ Common Sandpiper 1 Little Egret 1 Yellow Wagtail 9 Burgess Field Common Redstart 2f Common Whitethroat 8 Willow Warbler 11+ singing males Grasshopper Warbler 1 Whinchat 1...

- Port Meadow: 17th April
2 Avocet 24 Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit 4 Common Sandpiper 2 Oystercatcher 15 Black-tailed Godwit 3 Dunlin 2 Redshank Alex Martin, the Wickster, Peter Law Burgess Field 2 Redstarts still this evening though very elusive in the wind (1f + another...

- Farmoor 27th April
 Grey plover & 9 black-necked grebes this morning (per Dai John) ...and female Montagu's Harrier over the car park at 12:55 (per Ian Lewington) Also 2 Wheatears on F1, 8 Common Sands, 100+ Swift 3 Dunlin 1 Sanderling 1 Grasshopper Warbler...

