Stonesfield Common 6th Jan

Hawfinch still this morning
Now 9 Bramblings around the garden
12 Waxwings in Long Hanborough over Hurdeswell
Waxwings still in Combe tho mobile
Goingbirding: 15th March
Long Hanborough 23 Brambling: In garden. Stonesfield: Stonesfield Common Peregrine: Over common, towards East end. Paul Wren ...
Stonesfield Common 19th Feb
Hawfinch still this afternoon 14 Brambling together in the garden in Long Hanborough this afternoon....
Waxwings 7th Jan
10 Waxwings, Cholsey: junction of Crescent way - Station road. More details @ 12 Waxwing Long Hanborough still on Hurdeswell this morning (per Paul Wren) 5 Waxwings flew south over back garden in Walton Manor. (per...
Stonesfield Common 5th Jan
Hawfinch again this am Siskin 2 Red Kite 3 Marsh Tit 1 Linnet 12 The 6 Brambling still together in the garden In Combe 18 Waxwing were on Akeman Street near the Stonesfield Road junction at 10:30 in trees opposite the Xmas display but were not around...
Waxwings 21st December
Stonesfield Waxwing photo (c) Martin Gasgoine-pees. Waxwing in Long Hanborough at Swan Hill 8.30a.m (per Paul Wren) A single Waxwing in Oxford city centre 08.45 on Thames Street. Feeding on ?Whitebeam in central reservation between opposing flows of...