Stonesfield Common 6th Jan

Stonesfield Common 6th Jan

Hawfinch still this morning
Now 9 Bramblings around the garden
12 Waxwings in Long Hanborough over Hurdeswell
Waxwings still in Combe tho mobile

- Goingbirding: 15th March
Long Hanborough 23 Brambling: In garden. Stonesfield: Stonesfield Common Peregrine: Over common, towards East end. Paul Wren ...

- Stonesfield Common 19th Feb
Hawfinch still this afternoon 14 Brambling together in the garden in Long Hanborough this afternoon....

- Waxwings 7th Jan
10 Waxwings, Cholsey: junction of Crescent way - Station road. More details @ 12 Waxwing Long Hanborough still on Hurdeswell this morning (per Paul Wren) 5 Waxwings flew south over back garden in Walton Manor. (per...

- Stonesfield Common 5th Jan
Hawfinch again this am Siskin 2 Red Kite 3 Marsh Tit 1 Linnet 12 The 6 Brambling still together in the garden In Combe 18 Waxwing were on Akeman Street near the Stonesfield Road junction at 10:30 in trees opposite the Xmas display but were not around...

- Waxwings 21st December
Stonesfield Waxwing photo (c) Martin Gasgoine-pees. Waxwing in Long Hanborough at Swan Hill 8.30a.m (per Paul Wren) A single Waxwing in Oxford city centre 08.45 on Thames Street. Feeding on ?Whitebeam in central reservation between opposing flows of...

