Stonesfield Common 19th Feb

Stonesfield Common 19th Feb

Hawfinch still this afternoon
14 Brambling together in the garden in Long Hanborough this afternoon.

- Goingbirding: 5th April
Stonesfield: Stonesfield Common Redstart: male. Late afternoon. Paul Wren ...

- Blenheim 24th Jan
1 Hawfinch at the top of the trees behind the walled garden this afternoon +Raven over (per Oz)...

- Stonesfield Common 6th Jan
Hawfinch still this morningNow 9 Bramblings around the garden12 Waxwings in Long Hanborough over HurdeswellWaxwings still in Combe tho mobile...

- Stonesfield Common 5th Jan
Hawfinch again this am Siskin 2 Red Kite 3 Marsh Tit 1 Linnet 12 The 6 Brambling still together in the garden In Combe 18 Waxwing were on Akeman Street near the Stonesfield Road junction at 10:30 in trees opposite the Xmas display but were not around...

- Long Hanborough
6 Brambling around garden today plus female Blackcap y'day (per V.Wren) No sign of Hawfinch on Stonesfield Common...

