Starling roosts 2nd January

Starling roosts 2nd January

Two sizable Starling roosts this evening both numbering in the low thousands.

1.Over Cutteslowe and roosting in 4 conifers along Harefields.
2.Bigger group in Kidlington over Thames Valley/Gosford Hill area and
roosting in conifers in gardens around Thames Valley police HQ.

(per Terry Tossel)

- Otmoor 23rd October
Bearded Tit at least 3 (3 seen at the 1st screen this p.m by (Terry Tossel) 2 seen at the 2nd screen by Ron Louch this p.m) Hen Harrier (ringtail) over Greenaways this p.m (per Terry Tossel) Water Rail heard only in the reed beds Raven over...

- Sonning Eye Gps: 20th June
Sonning Eye GPs Cetti's Warbler: Singing along river Thames by Thames Valley Park and crossed to Oxon side. Robin Dryden...

- Escaped Glossy Starling Stonesfield 3rd April
If anyone is interested in seeing the Starling.. From Witney- Go through East End and just as you're exiting the village park in the lay-by on the left.Take track opposite signed to the roman villa. Cross railway bridge and go through the swing gate...

- Kidlington Starlings
Display of starlings again in Kidlington over Oxford Road - mainly over the Gosford Hill School/TV Police HQ (c) M.Flemming ...

- Kidlington Starlings
Large number of starlings in roost or pre roost in trees near the Thames Valley Police HQ....

