Escaped Glossy Starling Stonesfield 3rd April

Escaped Glossy Starling Stonesfield 3rd April

If anyone is interested in seeing the Starling..
From Witney- Go through East End and just as you're exiting the village
park in the lay-by on the left.Take track opposite signed to the roman villa.
Cross railway bridge and go through the swing gate and continue to follow
the track until reaching the gate at the bottom of the hill.
The Starling was in this area this evening.

- Sandford-on-thames: 30th April
Sandford-on-Thames Spotted Crake: Still singing at 2215 in small marsh to left of Heyford Hill Lane just before railway bridge. Bird is favouring centre of marsh, 100 yards from roadside. It's best to park in housing estate at start of Heyford Hill...

- Blenheim Park 8th April
Hawfinch 2 this morning near the modal engine shed (per Pete Alan) From the public gate behind 'The White House' pub in Bladon, follow the tarmac road through the park and cross the cattle grid. Keep left and go past the entrance to the ornamental...

Avocet  on the Plover Pit at Radley (per Ben Carpenter) Still present at 15:20 (per Badger) Little-ringed Plover Redshank 2 Lapwing 2+ Access off Thrupp Lane. Park near the Sandles building and take the main  track past Thrupp Lake (on...

- South Leigh March 18
Great Grey Shrike 1 from 0830 to at least 1000 (with grateful thanks to Sally for putting out the news) Hen Harrier 1 Red Kite 2 Common Buzzard 8+ Common Kestrel 2 2 Short-eared Owl (Thomas Stevens) Directions for the Shrike Take the road from the A40...

- Port Meadow Site Guide
Blogs: Port Meadow Birding  General      Port Meadow is a large area of common grassland to the west of Oxford which is bordered by the Thames to the west, the railway line to the East and Wolvercote village to the north....

