Standlake Comon GP's 12th March

Standlake Comon GP's 12th March

Smew (redhead)
White-fronted Geese 3

Dix Pit
Little Egret 4

(per Clackers)

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

- Otmoor 3rd October
Great white Egret still on Greenaways this morning c09:30 (per Lyn & Richard Ebbs) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Minster Lovell 29th June
Spotted Flycatcher Minster Lovell nr ruins (per Clackers) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Otmoor 7th April
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still from 2nd screen Garganey 2 (Ashgrave & from 2nd screen) Marsh Harrier White-fronted Geese 7 (per RBA) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Henley Rd Gp's 12th March
Great White Egret Henley Rd GP's on island on Heron Lake then flew west towards Sonning Eye GP's at 13:08 (per Lew) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- 25th January Pit 60
7 White-fronted Geese have just flown in to Pit 60 with some Greylags 1 Redhead Smew per John Prowse...

