25th January Pit 60

25th January Pit 60

7 White-fronted Geese have just flown in to Pit 60 with some Greylags
1 Redhead Smew

per John Prowse

- Blenheim: Queen Pool: 5th July
1 Common Sandpiper 1 Raven 3 Bar-headed Goose (feral) 8 White-fronted Goose (feral) There are 8 white-fronted type geese in the flock of canada geese. There is quite a colour variation from light to dark. 08:00 (per Bob Pomfret)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 2nd January.
1 Cettis Warbler (Bridleway per W.Bull.) 7+ Stonechat 1 Peregrine (Big Otmoor) 11+ Pintail (Big Otmoor) 1 Dunlin (Big Otmoor) Goldies and Lapwing in their hundreds. Woodcock - 2 across from Morleys to The Closes at 16.50 (per Steve Roby) 3 White-fronted...

- Standlake Comon Gp's 12th March
Smew (redhead) Goosander White-fronted Geese 3 Dix Pit Little Egret 4 (per Clackers) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- January Review
White-fronted Geese on Otmoor (c) Andy Last In what we hope will be a regular monthly feature on the O.B.L,local birder and artist Andy Last has very kindly agreed do to a painting of a chosen species each month which has occurred in Oxfordshire....

- Kings Lock: 26th January
26th January Kings Lock 8 Goosander: 4m 4rh. These 8 flew over going upriver. Highest count on the water was only 1M+1RH. 45 Barnacle Goose: 45 together was a quite a sight! Feeding with the grelyags and canadas. Mouth of River Evenlode 4 Bar-headed...

